I will be offering the next training class on hypnosis and hypnosis-based persuasion in January 2025. Can you imagine how the skill of persuasion can help your relationships, your career and your income?
Also excellent for coaches, teachers, and content creators of all kinds.
Sign up by Nov 31 with code PERSUASION2024 and save $200
“Gold in this course Jason!”
“I knew exactly what tools to use in this impromptu situation, and feeling my confidence grow in my own ability to help people with my hypnosis skills”
Like something is holding you back? What would it be like if you unleashed your real potential?
These days, there are all kinds of problems that introduce struggle into our lives. Like the epidemic of social anxiety. Everybody who has had parents knows that a lot of internal conflict arises from the process of growing up with parents. And many people have suffered some real trauma. These sometimes cause people to feel like things aren’t going to get any better.
And it’s not like you haven’t tried to fix things. Very serious people may have told you it’s a chemical imbalance, or you were born this way, or suffering is the nature of life, or just go out into nature and exercise more. Some of these you took more seriously than others. Maybe you started exercising and ate better, and that helped, but something is still gnawing at you, dragging you down.
And it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.
The newsletter will have all kinds of great content delivered weekly.