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Coaching Programs

You get the best bang for your buck with my targeted programs (see “solutions” at the top menu). But sometimes your needs don’t fall into a simple category, or you need more comprehensive help–or maybe you just want results tailored to your specific situation.

These coaching programs are designed with you in mind.

5 Session Personal Coaching Package

When you book a 5-session package now you can begin to make more substantial changes in your life. When you select one thing to resolve, we can fix it in this package of sessions. How will that feel when you get the relief you are looking for?

  • Eliminate self-sabotage and imposter syndrome
  • Eliminate a bad habit - social media addiction, smoking/vaping, too much video games, pornography use, etc and use your new time profitably
  • Fix unhealthy relationship patterns
  • Take your career to the next level

And best of all you get a 15% discount off the individual session rate!

And if you are a repeat client (5 or more sessions) you get an additional 15% discount. That’s 30% off the individual session rate. Contact me directly for details.

2 Session Starter Coaching Package

2 sessions is a good start, because with this package we can make significant changes such as changing a habit or resolving a single issue. When you think about how things will be when you’ve made even more substantial improvements, and look back on today as having been the start of it, you might recognize more reasons to work with me:

  • Reduce or eliminate insomnia
  • Reduce the amount of time wasted on social media
  • Eliminate procrastination
  • Neutralize a significant trauma or emotional blockage

And best of all you get a 10% discount off the individual session rate!

Transform Your Life 12-Session Package

With 12 sessions you can experience a profound transformation, going deep in more than one area to create the life you truly desire.

Perhaps you suffered a personal loss, breakup, or divorce and want to rebuild your life. Or perhaps you’ve been stuck in bad patterns for too long and you want to break out and start winning in life.

Or maybe you’re already doing well and want to do even better. You want to take your career, relationships, or business to the next level of success and fulfillment.

With 12 sessions I will tailor a comprehensive leveling up for you in more than one area of your life - health, relationships, career… and the transformation will be noticeable to family and friends.

With 12 sessions we can do more than one of the following:

  • If you’ve been stuck in bad patterns, finally break through and begin to win in life
  • Rebuild your life after a personal loss, breakup, or divorce
  • Get rid of, once and for all, everything in your past causing you problems
  • Make more money - work towards getting promoted in your career, growing your business, or scaling your startup
  • Completely resolve social anxiety or similar challenges and build the social life you desire
  • Get in shape, shed excess weight, and get healthier for good
  • Get in the right mindset to find a good relationship (or improve an existing one)
  • And you can also gift some sessions to a spouse, child, family member, etc to help them as well

And best of all you get a 30% discount off the individual session rate!

And if you are a repeat client (5 or more sessions) you get an additional 15% discount. That’s 45% off the individual session rate. Contact me directly for details.