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Physician Reborn

Reverse Your Burnout And Feel Good About Practicing Medicine Again

Jason Andrews

Feel Energized, Fulfilled, & Passionate About Your Career in Medicine Again

Jason Andrew’s newest book—Physician Reborn—isn’t just an instructional book. It’s a transformational book with a proven process that has helped dozens of physicians eliminate burnout and reclaim their passion for medicine.

“I just listened to your audiobook and I could feel the difference with the first case study.”

Order your copy here

Once upon a time, you felt proud and passionate to work in medicine.

But medicine today isn’t what it used to be. The healthcare industry has become more and more like a machine, a factory.

Insurance regulations make it more and more difficult to deliver the level of quality care that you’ve always wanted to give your patients. Many of you barely get enough time with each patient to understand their needs before you have to move on to the next one. Hospitals and practices, now often owned by large corporations, focus more on metrics and customer satisfaction scores than on actual patient outcomes. This relentless focus on metrics and profit-driven performance (a.k.a., corporatization of healthcare) has created an impersonal and exhausting work environment.

Medicine has become an assembly line, fundamentally altering the landscape—and experience—of the medical profession. Nowadays, physicians are feeling unprecedented levels of burnout and frustration. The joy and satisfaction that once came from practicing medicine have been overshadowed by stress, disillusionment, and overwhelm. Physicians spend more time dealing with documentation and red tape than actually providing care for their patients.

And worst of all, the fear of making mistakes due to burnout is ever-present, adding to the emotional and mental burden. Because real human lives are on the line.

Jason Andrews

Think about this for a moment…

Remember when you first wanted to be a doctor? Maybe you were inspired by a toy stethoscope given to you as a child. Or perhaps you witnessed a family member’s health struggles growing up and that inspired you to become a doctor to help others (that’s what originally motivated my wife). Or maybe you watched shows like ER or Grey’s Anatomy. Whatever the reason, you decided to become a doctor. And to achieve that, you worked harder than most of your peers.

You sacrificed time, money, and so much of your energy to become a doctor. You took out loans, studied relentlessly - and after years of hard work, you finally achieved your dream of becoming a doctor.

You helped and healed people. And you felt great!


But somewhere along the way, things changed. The joy and satisfaction faded, replaced by exhaustion, frustration, and burnout.

Ever feel this way? It’s not your fault. And you are not alone.

Burnout Problem for Physicians

The Burnout Problem for Physicians & Impact On Their Patients

Problems for Physicians

  • Constant pressure to meet profit-driven metrics and avoid litigation
  • Anxiety, overwork, and physical exhaustion
  • Compassion fatigue, mental health, and emotional pain
  • Diminished job satisfaction, and loss of fulfillment and purpose
  • Increased risk of medical errors

Impact on Patients

  • Rushed consultations with providers
  • Less personalized, more mechanical patient experience
  • More "doctor shopping" by patients trying to find a better experience
  • Reduced quality of care due to physician burnout
Jason Andrews

But the solution isn’t what you think.

Most physicians believe that in order to solve the problem, they need more information - better studies, more research, more understanding of the situation.

But that’s just not true.

Because there are dozens if not hundreds of studies of physician burnout, naming the sources of discontent, pointing out likely ramifications, recommending system changes. Many of these studies end with a toothless suggestion that a physician “talk to a therapist” or “engage in recreational activities outside of the clinical environment.” This information is well-meaning, well-studied, and well-argued, but it’s ineffective.

Because the problem of burnout isn’t an issue with how you think. It’s an issue with how you FEEL. How you feel about your work environment, your career, your rewards—and how you feel about the healthcare system as a whole.

Jason Andrews

“Jason, I’m starting to hate medicine.”

I was sitting on the couch one night when my wife—a pediatric emergency room physician—came home from her shift. She trudged into the living room, threw her bag on the floor, flopped onto the couch, and said, “Jason, I’m starting to hate medicine.”

It pained me to hear this. How could she hate this career that she invested so much time, effort and energy into, this career that used to inspire her and energize her?

And perhaps not surprisingly, in the next two weeks three other physicians also came to me asking for help navigating the changing field of medicine. They were finding it more difficult to manage their mental and emotional state of burnout (you’ll learn much more about this in the book). I knew I had to do something…

Why is this book different?

There are dozens of books out there about physician burnout. And every doctor, therapist, or coach you talk to seems to have a different idea about what to do. Unfortunately, most burnout solutions only offer surface-level fixes.

What differentiates this book from all the rest is that the words of this book will change your experience while you read. (This is important, and I want to make sure you fully understand what I mean.)

The very act of reading this book will reduce your level of burnout.

As you read this book, you may find that how you feel about your job, your career, and even the medical industry itself becomes lighter and less burdensome. This frees up more of your energy to do your best work delivering care to patients. And isn’t that what you really desire?

You might not see it yet, you might have questions, or you might feel skeptical, and that’s alright. Because as long as you are skeptical, you keep an open mind about this process. For now, consider that I just might know some things the mainstream channels haven’t figured out yet.

Now, how is it possible to reduce your burnout simply by reading this book? Unlike other books, Physician Reborn uses advanced linguistic techniques to help you rewrite the mental and emotional scripts that govern your responses to stress and burnout. You’ll be more able to navigate your medical career with greater ease, satisfaction, and effectiveness.

It’s not enough to just cope with burnout—it’s about fundamentally changing how you experience your career. You’ll reclaim the joy and satisfaction that brought you to medicine in the first place. And this deep, transformational change is achieved without the need for complex to-do lists or rigid systems.

“I just listened to your audiobook and I could feel the difference with the first case study.”

Order your copy today

Before & After

Before Physician Reborn

  • Doom and gloom about the future
  • Frustration and anxiety
  • Burnout and stress
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Depression and emotional numbness
  • Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
  • Loss of fulfillment and purpose
  • Career stress boils over into other areas of life

After Physician Reborn

  • Confidence in your ability to handle anything
  • Mental and emotional relief
  • Restored, appropriate levels compassion and empathy
  • Sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and meaning at work again
  • Work-life harmony
  • Less angst and struggle about the system
  • Feel more in control of your career.
  • Free up positive energy to flow into all areas of your life
  • … and more ability to focus on delivering quality care.

What Physicians Like You Are Saying About Physician Reborn

Jason’s methods have the power to transform lives and reignite the spark within us. I can personally say that my work with him has been life-changing… I believe Physician Reborn can be a helpful resource not only for physicians experiencing burnout but also for their patients.

Dr. Brian Ahuja, MD

I have to say, that after [ reading your book ] I’m definitely noticing a pretty significant improvement in my perception of daily activities. I’m feeling positive and optimistic for the first time in years… Things that used to bother me don’t stick.


Physician Reborn is a home run!

Dr. Amit Sahasrabudhe, former orthopedic surgeon for the Arizona Cardinals

Thank You. You gave me back my career!

J. Furhman M.D., Internal Medicine
Jason Andrews

About Jason & Physician Reborn

Hi, I’m Jason Andrews, a renowned expert in resolving stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and career challenges, particularly among physicians.

With decades of experience and specialized training in hypnotherapy, I’ve helped dozens of clients transform their careers and personal lives.

I began my career by eliminating my own anxiety disorders as a teenager. I was a mess. All the experts told me to research the problem more and I would get better. But it didn’t fix anything because understanding a problem isn’t the same as solving it.

Eventually, a psychiatrist prescribed me a pill. Desperate, I took it. But it made me feel numb and the side effects were terrible. Plus, my personality became more like that of a potato.

Over the next nine years, I tried every medication and supplement available, once even triggering a serotonin syndrome episode and waking up in my apartment with an EMT team giving me an IV treatment. Talk about a bad experience with the medical system!

I didn’t give up though. Because I never accepted the idea that overwhelm, anxiety, and burnout was something I just had to live with. And I never accepted that it was only fixable with a lifelong subscription to medicine.

Then one day, on a Yahoo message board about anxiety, someone sent me an unusual reply.

“I see what you’re trying to do, and you’re close, but you’re going about it the wrong way. I can help you.” He gave me his number, so I called him and he told me stories for an hour.

That’s it. I barely got a word in. Then, he just hung up.

And my anxiety…went away.

Huh, I thought. That’s not possible…Is it?

I waited for the anxiety to come back. It didn’t. I even tried to make it come back.


One conversation, and it was just…gone.

It turns out this guy who talked to me had studied the work of Milton Erickson, MD, the legendary medical hypnotherapist, and mastered the art of telling stories that change people’s internal experiences, which is what resolved my anxiety. I got off the medications and never looked back.

Now, if I had known he was going to use “hypnosis”, I wouldn’t have called him because “that stuff is obviously junk.” And I would have missed out on getting my life and career path back.

But those simple stories he told me worked like gangbusters. So I asked him to teach me what he knew.

For years, I studied psychologists, therapists, and linguists like Dr. Erickson, Virginia Satir, Gregory Bateson, Michael Hall, Robert Dilts, Noam Chomsky, Alfred Korzybski, John Grinder, Dr. William Sargant, and many others.

I discovered the fields of neuro-semantics, general semantics, neuro-linguistic programming, and several forms of persuasion. I learned how to alter someone’s model of the world, how to change it from an impoverished one into a richer one that opens up more resourcefulness, resilience, and behavioral range. I learned how to neutralize painful memories and reinterpret situations for greater options. I learned how to break unwanted habits—both physical habits and mental and emotional patterns—and create more helpful ones. All using the power of language.

And this is what I’ve been doing ever since.

So, Physician Reborn is a process that I developed from these two sources.

My executive coaching work resolving stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and career challenges in my clients. And my experience applying these same tools to help physicians work through burnout and come out the other side refreshed and revitalized.

A Wise Investment in Your Health, Career, & Relationships

Jason Andrews brings decades of expertise in resolving personal and career challenges. People and businesses pay thousands for his coaching engagements - because he gets results.

Although the average physician spends thousands of dollars on solutions that don’t seem to work very well, Jason is giving you access to this transformational book and proven process for the cost of just a few cups of coffee.

And if you ever decide you are interested in working with Jason one on one for accelerated results, your purchase of this book will earn you a hefty 10% discount. That alone can be worth hundreds of dollars!

I have to say, that after [ reading your book ] I’m noticing a significant improvement in my perception of daily activities. I’m feeling positive and optimistic for the first time in years… Things that used to bother me don’t stick.

Order your copy today

Jason Andrews


Just understanding the mechanisms of personal change isn’t enough. To help someone actually change, an author and coach has to know how to harness language to alter their client’s mental mechanisms so they work in the client’s favor.

That’s what makes Physician Reborn different. Simply reading this book will be enough to shift how you feel about your work and career. You might learn something new, or you might not, but you will feel differently by the end of this book. When you notice changes in your experience, you will confirm this for yourself. Remember, this book is not instructional; it’s transformational. So please, commit now to reading the whole thing.

Jason Andrews

Work With Jason 1-on-1

And if you seek the biggest gains (and fastest gains) across more areas of your life, then book some direct time with me. In these focused 1-on-1 sessions, we’ll work together to achieve accelerated results for your unique situation in life and work.

Bonus: Exclusive Deal on Live Coaching Sessions With Jason
After you purchase the book and read it, when you book individual sessions with me I’ll lock in your discount at 10%.

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“I feel 1000 times better than when you and I started.”

“My session was a gamechanger”

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Ordering Physician Reborn Today

To experience the most transformational effects of Physician Reborn, try the audiobook version here, narrated by Jason.

If you prefer a physical copy, click the button below.

Either way, don’t you owe it to your career, to your patient population - don’t you owe it to yourself - to improve something so important now?

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