The bad feelings are 100% gone. It feels like the past can maintain an appropriate place in my mind without needing to be revisited and re-examined constantly.
--Chris F.
We’ve all had experiences that we didn’t like.
Some of those experiences you were able to process, figure out what happened, how it happened, and how to move on productively with your life.
But there are some experiences that you didn’t get over–at least not completely. Things that happened when you were younger and had less understanding of the world than you do now, when you had fewer ways of handling those situations. Perhaps you were mistreated by others. Maybe there were some shocks or surprises in life that you weren’t prepared to handle. Or maybe some bad things happened that shouldn’t have.
And of course you did the best that you could given the resources you had available to you at the time.
So you adapted, and you moved on.
But today your life isn’t going the way you think it should. Career success might not be where it ought to be. Maybe you mess up your relationships despite your best intentions. Perhaps you can’t seem to get out of certain destructive habits or behavior patterns.
In short, you’re sabotaging yourself.
And why?
Because some of those events in your past that you were forced to handle when you were younger, you handled in ways that might have served you back then, but don’t serve you anymore today.
Amazing how effective this worked… my relationship with my father has healed on a level I consider miraculous. Completely changed.
…but therapy didn’t solve your problem, did it?
I know, because I’ve been there. When I had trauma, severe anxiety and depression in my teenage years, therapists couldn’t help me. That is, they couldn’t FIX the problem.
Oh sure, they gave me all kinds of information about the issue, and they gave me lots of sympathy and listening ears, and told me how my life was still going to be ok with the problem… but they couldn’t actually FIX it.
So they prescribed me drugs that zombified me.
And they called that a win!
But I didn’t.
Because I wanted to be whole again. I wanted to be my true authentic self. I wanted to have clarity and be free of the emotional distortions that certain painful past events were still throwing at me.
So I searched… and searched… and searched…
…until I found a solution.
A REAL solution – not drugs, not “learning to live with it,” not paying forever for a weekly subscription to a therapist – but a true, permanent solution that fixed the problem for good.
The difference between this week and last week is so dramatic that it’s impossible to deny. I’ve been trying to feel bad and it’s actually hard to do.
I’m not going to tell you exactly what I do to eliminate trauma from your past–I’ll let you experience that for yourself in the sessions.
But I’ll tell you how it works.
When you still have a problem with the past, it’s because your mind and nervous system are still hosting that event–storing that event–in ways that cause you problems in your life today.
And what I will do is help your entire system re-encode those events in ways that no longer fence you in or keep your trapped, but instead open up your understanding and give you more resourcefulness in your life overall.
Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
I thought so when I experienced it for myself, and many of my clients think so when they experience the relief for yourself.
I wonder how you will feel about it once you’ve cleared out those experiences of your past that are currently sabotaging your success?
Because you can have a life no longer hampered by the past.
We were detoured on the way home and all of a sudden were a couple miles from the house I lived in as a child. The house and the surrounding neighborhoods no longer haunt me… I was completely ok! I cried happy tears.
In the words of the brilliant Richard Bandler, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”
Not by erasing the past - but by re-encoding it so it empowers you for the future.
Right now, you might not be able to believe it. Maybe you can’t yet imagine what it might feel like to be free from the past. Maybe you just want to feel better, and that’s enough for now.
The reason you can’t yet imagine it is because your nervous system is still operating in survival mode due to those past events. And that makes sense, doesn’t it? But when we resolve those events and properly characterize them in our experience, the nervous system lets go and steps out of survival mode into thrive mode.
The bad feelings are 100% gone. It feels like the past can maintain an appropriate place in my mind without needing to be revisited and re-examined constantly.
There’s some truth to that saying: when your past is full of pain and mistreatment, your future isn’t going to be as happy and fulfilling as it could be.
But when it’s full of experiences you’ve learned from and moved on from, it becomes a rich reservoir of wisdom and learnings you can use to help create the kind of future you truly desire.
So when you think of how your past affects you–
Don’t you owe it to yourself, to set yourself up for a happier, more emotionally balanced life?
A: No, you will still remember the events, but those memories will have no emotional charge for you. You will be able to learn from them so they empower you and give you more resourcefulness.
A: It’s one of the few “standard” therapies that are even remotely useful. EMDR can work, but it requires you to actively relive the pain. We don’t want to relive any pain–we want to neutralize the pain.
A: Yes, in a limited number of clients due to the strain it places on me. In these cases the neutralization of the trauma is the easy part–the rebulding of the person’s ways of moving through the world is the longer road.
A: Yes, it’s one of the more common types of experiences that need to be cleaned up from your past.
A: Normally the minimum age is around 11 or 12, but there are exceptions. Contact me directly.
A: Yes, in most cases I can neutralize PTSD. And if you are a military veteran with combat PTSD I will give you a 50% discount. Contact me directly for details.
It feels like the pieces of me have returned and settled… I feel good for the first time!
You really can have a future free from the problems of the past. Start now.